Monthly Archives: May 2022

How as women do we manage the different milestones in our lives

How as women do we manage the different milestones in our lives

As women, our lives are more challenging than those of men, because we undergo a lot of physical and mental changes all through our lives. We are innocent kids playing around with our friends when we suddenly grow up to be teenagers, all of a sudden. It is not easy for us to pass through this teenage phase. We have to deal with menstruation issues, acne, mood swings, anxiety attacks, physical pain, changes in body parts, hormonal changes and other psychological changes during this stage. However, since we are strong-willed, we pass through this stage successfully, thanks to the able support of our parents, family, and friends.

Online tools to monetise your blogging business

Online tools to monetise your blogging business

Even after a year of starting my blog, I didn’t get any traffic. I was quite regular in updating my blog page, and I expected that my frequent posts would attract a lot of visitors, but I was wrong. An entire year went by, and I still got only around 100 visitors per month, which was far below my expectations. I knew I couldn’t make enough money from this, so I started my research on how to improve the traffic to my site and make it a lucrative business.

The Explosion of E-Food Business in 2022

The Explosion of E-Food Business in 2022

The COVID 19 pandemic has upended the strongest economies. The hospitality industry is one among the worst hit. Restaurants and eateries across the globe have been forced to closed their doors, costing them millions of dollars in revenue.
However, a survey of business performance during the COVID -19 outbreak has highlighted an interesting fact. There has been a surge in online delivery and takeout services since the outbreak. In fact, online food delivery services have helped keep many restaurants afloat. It has recorded a significant increase of almost 50% and shows promise for further growth in the second half of 2020 too.

Haircare Tips and Products

Haircare Tips and Products

Are you a fan of long healthy hair? Or you love short but strong beautiful hair? In both cases, you need perfect hair products and a stylish haircut. The stylish haircut goal can be achieved by contacting a famous and experienced hairdresser but long beautiful and healthy hair is not a goal that is easy to achieve. We will discuss and share hair care tips at home, best hair care tips, natural hair care tips, hair care tips for men, homemade hair care tips, hair care routines you should follow, hair care tips for long hair and a little knowledge about hair care oil in this blog.

Simple Skincare routine in easy steps

Simple Skincare routine in easy steps

Healthy and younger-looking skin requires being consistent in your skincare routine. Your skin is one of the most important and sensitive parts of your body. There is no doubt that the color of your skin, its texture and tone will highly depend on your genes. But your daily skincare habits, your health, what food you eat and the environment you live in, play a vital role in changing how your skin looks from outside. There are a number of opinions, tips, and techniques that can transform your skin depending upon how patient and consistent you are.

Types and Categories of Websites and Mobile Apps

Types and Categories of Websites and Mobile Apps

In today’s modern time, where there are a lot of websites on the internet, a new one is emerging on a daily basis. There are approximately 1.25 billion websites available on the internet at this time. Just like the stars in the galaxy, these websites are scattered worldwide. In the earlier time, only government authorities had their websites, while today every small business has its website.

Brand Purpose in The Age of The Pandemic – Has going back to values become the need of the hour?

Brand Purpose in The Age of The Pandemic – Has going back to values become the need of the hour?

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up our lives, personal and professional. And, for our generation, this global health crisis might be the first of its kind. Governments across the world are struggling to contain the spread of the virus. The lockdowns, job losses, closures and uncertainties have created an atmosphere of fear and anxiety. It is definitely not a happy time.

Hot labor day fashion deals

Hot labor day fashion deals

What is a better way of celebrating Labor Day, than to spend that hard-earned money guilt-free on some of the great deals we prepared only for hardworking workers like you? We all work hard every day of the year, but every year, a holiday is celebrated in our honor. We better give ourselves a pat on the back and some new treats because there sure are a lot of deals made only for us on this day.

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