Monthly Archives: June 2022



As much as we love the father figures in our life, they are a pretty hard bunch of people to gift for. When picking the perfect gift for dad, he deserves something special yet personal and practical he’ll cherish and make use of for years to come. Here are the best tech gifts that fit every dad.

7 Dating Tips in the era of Dating Apps

7 Dating Tips in the era of Dating Apps

Relationships have evolved a lot in the last few years. Ever since the development of technology, apps have played a major role in relationships. In the past men use to wait for days to get a proper chance to look into a woman’s eyes and ask her number. It’s a different story that a man wasted few more days in mustering up the courage to call her number, though! Today, thanks to dating apps, finding the “ideal” date for you is so much easier and less complicated than before. You register yourself on these dating apps, find your ideal date, go out with her and mutually agree if you want to continue to meet each other or not. It is as simple as it! Wait, or is it that simple? Yes, with these tips, of course!

Tips to manage successful strategic partnerships and digital networking core skills to deliver excellence

Tips to manage successful strategic partnerships and digital networking core skills to deliver excellence

Regardless of the size and niche of your business, it is important to manage your partnerships well if you want to succeed in them. The way you handle your strategic partnerships talks volumes about the profitability and success of your venture. Despite being an important factor for profitability, it is quite disappointing to note that not many businessmen think seriously about efficiently managing their partnerships in the digital world of today.

September 2018 Issue – Successful Vision

September 2018 Issue – Successful Vision

September just started. Here are another month and another set of tasks to target, and one ultimate goal to inch closer to. Are you tired of setting all your goals and finding at the end of the month that you were only able to do half of it? Well, half is good but ticking off everything in that to do list is the most satisfying. We understand this feeling. We have experimented with ways to organize and manage our time and tasks. In this blog, we will share what worked for us!

How to create a big impact and earn a living as an influencer – The Influencer Diary in 6 Steps for Blog Monetisation

How to create a big impact and earn a living as an influencer – The Influencer Diary in 6 Steps for Blog Monetisation

If you asked me one trending way today to earn money ethically, I would ask you to become an influencer on social media. Gone are the days when traditional advertisements used to promote your brands for you. Today, influencers are the buzzword for companies (small and big). If you cannot afford a celebrity influencer to endorse your products for you, you can become your own influencer and earn handsomely as well. Here are 12 steps through which you can create a big impact by becoming an influencer:

Back To School 2022 the essentials

Back To School 2022 the essentials

As vacation comes to an end, students are excited about going back to school. College and university students (both freshmen and those in upper-years) are eager to make the transition for they will be meeting new friends, learning new disciplines and fitting into life in the campus.

September 2022 Issue – Successful vision

September 2022 Issue – Successful vision

Successful vision of life plays an important role in realizing your goals and achieving your ambitions. Einsten envisioned his Theory of relativity and it was verified. Albert Einstein’s vision led to remarkable discoveries that shaped modern science. Steve Jobs’ vision was to have a computer in every home now there are more than 126.22 million households in the United States with computers.

How to find true love in today’s digital world?

How to find true love in today’s digital world?

Richard Bach quoted that true love stories never have endings. Does this mean that true love never ends or a love story does not end? People found love from the internet because of one common hashtag #truelove. This is the kind of love that lovers all over the world are searching but just like Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth, it is nowhere to be found. “Love is universal, it transcends everything ”#universallove. But it is hardly the kind of love found in the digital world today.

 How Could Fashion Empower Women

 How Could Fashion Empower Women

Women from the beginning of time were dominated by men, their elders and society; they follow orders on what to do, what to say and even what to wear. In reality, there is no inclusivity on freedom but women are victims chained to these standards while all aspects of life has equal representation.

New York Fashion Week 2022 Top Beauty Trends

New York Fashion Week 2022 Top Beauty Trends

Glamour, glitz, stunning models, fashion galore and beauty trends were the main ingredients in New York Fashion Week 2018 that opened with a bang! September is Fashion Month with the annual festivities that opened in New York City on Sept. 4 and ended on the 15th. It was the best and brightest fashion happening in the Big Apple

Social Settlings and Interactions of Primitive Tribes – The Original Lifestyle of Humans

Social Settlings and Interactions of Primitive Tribes – The Original Lifestyle of Humans

For many of us city-dwellers, loaded with gizmos and gadgets, the tribal way of life can be difficult to comprehend. Our connect is limited to a film, a documentary or an excursion to a tribal museum. Not just this, despite efforts by governments and missionaries, there are still plenty of uncontacted tribes inhabiting the forests of New Guinea and the Amazon. They live in isolated environments miles away from civilisation.

Modern and literate society often looks down on indigenous communities. We claim to be civilised while they ‘traditional’ and ‘backward’. However, what most of us fail to see is that our roots lie in this very primitive, simplistic way of life. These tribes, living on bare necessities, give us a glimpse into the original lifestyle of humans. This is the kind of life that we have evolved from.

Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Set to Change America’s Social Fabric?

Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Set to Change America’s Social Fabric?

A Black man lying face down by the side of the road…
His hands restrained behind his back…
A White police officer seen crouching; a knee pressed to the man’s neck…
He lay in distress, pleading for breath while passersby implored the police officer to let him go.
“I can’t breathe,” he said before falling silent.
All pleas fell to deaf ears.
Yet another life snuffed out in a matter of 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
This is the story of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American killed brutally in police custody on the streets of Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. It will soon be a month since the fateful day but the image still rings in the mind. Floyd’s death sparked worldwide protests, with people demanding accountability for similar cases of police brutality in the past. It has also compelled people around the world to reexamine the social structure and the history of racism in their own countries.

Brand Purpose in The Age of The Pandemic – Has going back to values become the need of the hour?

Brand Purpose in The Age of The Pandemic – Has going back to values become the need of the hour?

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up our lives, personal and professional. And, for our generation, this global health crisis might be the first of its kind. Governments across the world are struggling to contain the spread of the virus. The lockdowns, job losses, closures and uncertainties have created an atmosphere of fear and anxiety. It is definitely not a happy time.

But the bigger elephant in the room is the impact of the Corona virus on the economy and changing consumer behaviours. In the midst of the pandemic, marketers and PR agencies find themselves walking the right rope. Should companies jump in and be part of the conversation? Or would it be best to become silent spectators and keep away?

That’s the real test of the time. And, the world is watching. How marketing agencies handle the crisis is what might set them apart from the rest.



Creating A Healthier, Habitable Planet for Our Future Generations:

“There’s just one planet Earth and we all belong here” –
Isabella Lovin, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden.
Rightly put by Sweden’s Deputy PM, the Earth was created for all of us to enjoy. But man has destroyed it for his selfish means.
Nature has always been resilient. What is damaged, it makes good. However, over the last few decades, human actions have caused irreparable environmental destruction. Our planet is grappling with serious issues from climate change to deforestation to pollution. If we fail to take timely action, it won’t be long before several regions become uninhabitable. We will be the ones to blame when our children are deprived of a safe and healthy planet.

The Explosion of E-Food Business in 2020 ​

The Explosion of E-Food Business in 2020 ​

The COVID 19 pandemic has upended the strongest economies. The hospitality industry is one among the worst hit. Restaurants and eateries across the globe have been forced to closed their doors, costing them millions of dollars in revenue.

However, a survey of business performance during the COVID -19 outbreak has highlighted an interesting fact. There has been a surge in online delivery and takeout services since the outbreak. In fact, online food delivery services have helped keep many restaurants afloat. It has recorded a significant increase of almost 50% and shows promise for further growth in the second half of 2020 too.

Your Essential 10 Productivity Tips For Small Businesses Time Management

Your Essential 10 Productivity Tips For Small Businesses Time Management

When you’re a small business owner, there isn’t a minute to spare! You no doubt have a long list of things to do and not enough time to do them all. You have to decide how many employees to hire (and then manage these employees), market your business, and a million other little details. This is why it is so important to make the most of the time you have, by managing your time efficiently.
You’ve no doubt read article after article full of time management tips in an attempt to get a handle on that to-do list and to make the most of your day so you can make your business a success! Not every tip is suited for every business owner; some tips might work for you but not for someone else. With some trial and error you can find tips that will work for you.

How Can To Find Love And Companionship After 50

How Can To Find Love And Companionship After 50

The emotional pain caused by the sudden loss of a spouse is more agonizing than physical trauma. One that has lost their husband or wife recently will be able to better relate with the feelings of anger, desolation and sadness. Often in such moments a close friend or relative will advise you to move on; to fill in the voids caused by the death of a long-term partner.

We truly understand it’s not that easy a decision to make. It is difficult to embark on a new journey while many memories of your past relationship are still fresh in your mind. Not only this, your age might seem like the biggest barrier when it comes to dating again. However, the loneliness that accompanies widowhood is the most challenging to deal with.

ARE YOU READY FOR 3D Nail Art Guide For Beginners

ARE YOU READY FOR 3D Nail Art Guide For Beginners

Some women have a fetish for shoes and some for clothes, but there are many others ready to spend any amount on decorating their nails. If you’re one of them, we have something that could be of use to you. It is a how-to guide on 3D nail art.

Earlier, a nail routine was confined to trimming, filing and painting fingernails. Bright red and blush pink shades became classic colors in the nail polish category. In the later decades, women experimented with darker hues. It didn’t stop there. A plain coat of polish looked too simple and basic. As a result, nail art came to be used. Solid colored surfaces were decorated with dainty designs. The evolution continued and the latest is 3D nail art.

12 Again- A Walk Down Memory Lane

12 Again- A Walk Down Memory Lane

Celebrities live glamorous lives; lives most of us dream to have. However, not all of them were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They’ve had their share of troubles, dark secrets, prized goals and ambitions too. 12 Again goes back on those memorable and innocent childhood years to reveal what life was like at the age of 12 for some of our celebrities.

Gift Ideas for Women And for Mom On Mother’s Day

Gift Ideas for Women And for Mom On Mother’s Day

There are different occasions that call for gift-giving. And, while it is much easier to choose gifts for men, buying a gift for a woman, especially one she will like, can get a little tricky. Oh yes! Women are hard to please. You can play it safe by choosing an item based on her favorites and interests.

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