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Social Settlings and Interactions of Primitive Tribes – The Original Lifestyle of Humans

Social Settlings and Interactions of Primitive Tribes – The Original Lifestyle of Humans

For many of us city-dwellers, loaded with gizmos and gadgets, the tribal way of life can be difficult to comprehend. Our connect is limited to a film, a documentary or an excursion to a tribal museum. Not just this, despite efforts by governments and missionaries, there are still plenty of uncontacted tribes inhabiting the forests of New Guinea and the Amazon. They live in isolated environments miles away from civilisation.

Modern and literate society often looks down on indigenous communities. We claim to be civilised while they ‘traditional’ and ‘backward’. However, what most of us fail to see is that our roots lie in this very primitive, simplistic way of life. These tribes, living on bare necessities, give us a glimpse into the original lifestyle of humans. This is the kind of life that we have evolved from.

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