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September 2018 Issue – Successful Vision

September 2018 Issue – Successful Vision

September just started. Here are another month and another set of tasks to target, and one ultimate goal to inch closer to. Are you tired of setting all your goals and finding at the end of the month that you were only able to do half of it? Well, half is good but ticking off everything in that to do list is the most satisfying. We understand this feeling. We have experimented with ways to organize and manage our time and tasks. In this blog, we will share what worked for us!

September 2022 Issue – Successful vision

September 2022 Issue – Successful vision

Successful vision of life plays an important role in realizing your goals and achieving your ambitions. Einsten envisioned his Theory of relativity and it was verified. Albert Einstein’s vision led to remarkable discoveries that shaped modern science. Steve Jobs’ vision was to have a computer in every home now there are more than 126.22 million households in the United States with computers.

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