
Everything you must know about Collagen

Everything you must know about Collagen

Collagen is the most common kind of protein in the human body and may be discovered in these organs as well as the skin, muscles, and tendons. Collagen serves as a scaffold, giving the body support and structure. It’s what helps keep the body’s cells together, therefore it’s a vital part of the connective tissue that holds everything together. It also makes the skin more robust and flexible. The term “collagen” is often used in the realm of cosmetics, and with good cause. It’s a protein the body makes naturally and it’s important for a number of reasons, including maintaining strong bones and flexible joints in addition to healthy, glowing skin. This article contains all the information you’ll ever need on the subject.

Origin and history of Collagen

Collagen’s chemical and packed structures puzzled scientists for generations. In the early 20th century, the first proof of its regular molecular arrangement was provided. The focus then shifted to the collagen monomer, where studies yielded a number of conflicting models that all dealt accurately with the orientation of the constituent peptide chains. The “Madras” triple helix model, suggested by G. N. Ramachandran around 1955, successfully predicted collagen’s quaternary organization. High-resolution investigations conducted towards the end of the twentieth century lent credence to this idea.


Proteins of the Type I Collagen Family

The majority of collagen in your body belongs to the type I kind. In the dermis, just beneath the surface of skin, you’ll find 90percent of the body’s total supply of collagen. Due to its many uses, type I collagen may be seen in a variety of supplements.

Collagen Type II

Collagen type II may be found in seafood and poultry. Individuals with shellfish or chicken sensitivities should not use type II collagen products without first seeing a physician.

Collagen type III

Inside the human body, type III collagen is indeed the second most abundant kind of collagen. A single alpha chain distinguishes this kind from all others. There are many alpha chains in the various forms of collagen. Type III collagen, in addition to type I collagen, is considered to bolster the body’s gastrointestinal tract, muscular system, circulatory system, and womb. Type III collagen is most often obtained from bovine products.

Structural Proteins of the Collagen Type V Family

Corneal transparency is facilitated by type V collagen, which is naturally present in the eye. Collagen type IV acts in concert with collagen types I and III to provide structural support for muscles and organs. Bones, tissues, the liver, as well as the lungs are all supported by type V collagen as well.

Type X Collagen

Cartilage in your joints is made of type X collagen, which is also responsible for bone development. Consuming tablets containing type X collagen is not likely to speed up the healing process of a damaged part of the body.


1. Beef marrow broth

Bovine, or bovine, is one of four major sources of collagen on the market. And if you want to increase your intake of collagen type I, which is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails, beef bone broth is an excellent choice.

2. Chicken with the skin on it

In a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, researchers found that middle-aged women (those aged 39 to 59) who took collagen supplements produced from chicken bone had improvements in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and skin suppleness.

3. Pork Bone Broth

Porcine, or pig, leftovers are another ubiquitous and abundant source of collagen. Collagen from pigs is used to treat skin injuries, wounds, and tendons because of its resemblance to human collagen.

4. Sardines

Collagen in fish is found mostly in the skeleton, skin, and scales, much as it is in other vertebrates. If you’re following the collagen-rich whole food approach, choose a fish that you like eating whole, like sardines.

5. Organ Meats

Collagen type I is normally abundant in organs. If animal parts, such heart, liver, brain and lungs, aren’t a component of the meals, do not even worry: there are alternative methods to incorporate collagen type I within the diet, since it’s also present in epidermis, cartilage, and joints.

6. Collagen-Infused Drinks

Broth made from bones, sure, but that’s been discussed. Take, for example, the trend for collagen-based drinks and foods. According to study published in 2019 in the journal Molecules, drinks containing hydrolyzed collagen are quickly metabolized and well-absorbed by the stomach.

7. Gummy Candy

A majority of gummy candies are created with gelatin, and gelatin is derived from partly hydrolyzed collagen. While this is not the best method to acquire collagen, since it arrives with a substantial dosage of refined sugar, you can still receive some collagen from this meal.

8. Berries

Blackberries, strawberries, cherries, and raspberries are all good options. All of these are wonderful ways to get more vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. It’s true that we can’t get enough vitamin C just by eating well, therefore it’s another vitamin we have to get from outside sources.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli is another delicious and simple option to get more vitamin C in your diet. Broccoli, whether cooked or raw, has enough vitamin C for one day’s needs. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen.

10. Aloe Vera Juice

Animal and in vitro research have demonstrated that aloe vera gel may stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen (so-called “in vitro” studies).

Health Benefits

  1. Supplements may make up for what is lost as a result of the aging process.
  2. Second, the protein in collagen is easily absorbed by the body.
  3. Collagen helps skin retain its elasticity and defy the effects of aging.
  4. Joint pain and stiffness may be alleviated by collagen.
  5. It’s possible that taking supplements orally might help your digestive system.
  6. Heart health may be improved by consuming collagen, according to a recent study.
  7. Bone health is one of the many functions of peptides.
  8. When it comes to joint disease, collagen may be helpful.
  9. No, taking collagen won’t help you shed pounds.

Health Risks

Taking collagen supplements is typically safe and well-tolerated. However, some medications include ingredients that might cause allergic reactions in those who are sensitive to foods like fish, shellfish, and eggs. Collagen supplements containing these foods should be avoided by anybody with a food allergy. There may be some minor negative effects from using collagen nutrients, such as gas, indigestion, and a fullness sensation. Be careful to get supplements that don’t include any of the foods you’re allergic to.